Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 51 : The Immortal Legion

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 51   Fullmetal-Alchemist-Brotherhood-Episode-51-The-Immortal-Legion

 Under Central Command, the Mannequin Soldiers are dismissed by an unnamed general. Ignoring the fact from a nearby scientist that their tests are not complete, the General believes that being completely immortal and obeying only them is perfect enough. He prepares to order them to attack Mustang's rebellion, only for the mannequin soldiers to kill him and chew up his body. Out of fear, the scientist quickly tries to shoot them, only to be killed as well. Back at Ed's group in the white room, Darius is surprised that the huge door is the entrance to his father's lair. Ed confirms that this is the place Al told him about. Jerso notices a decomposed body and armor on the ground, and Ed identifies him as Barry Chopper, who was a partner of the Slicer Brothers. When Ed can't open the door, Scar steps in to destroy it, only for it to open on its own and the Mannequin Soldiers emerge.

At Central Command, Major General Armstrong walks in with an injured unnamed general as her hostage, demanding that he withdraw their troops, who are facing Colonel Mustang's troops and Briggs's troops. A group of nearby soldiers who saw her draw their weapons on her, but Major General Armstrong stabs the general in the leg with his sword. He asks the general to withdraw their troops so they don't all have to die, but after a moment's consideration, the general orders the soldiers to close all the gates to keep Mustang's soldiers and Briggs' soldiers out of the way. As they speak, Major General Armstrong notices and moves out of the way as a sloth arrives and crushes the general to death. After explaining that he was told to kill her, Major General Armstrong thanks him for killing the general on her behalf and prepares to fight him.

Meanwhile, Ed's group fights the mannequins. After Scar realizes that his destructive alchemy technique will not work while they are surrounded, he hears one of the mannequins say "Mama", which reminds Ed of the faces that were part of Envy's transformed body, and he realizes that the mannequins have human soul. . Just as the others come through the door, Scar points out that they can't let these things get out. In the streets as the citizens discuss they heard that Mustang is staging a coup and that's why there are soldiers in the streets, Jerso alerts Ed that some mannequins are about to come out and he seals the door with alchemy. After transforming the three human chimeras, the group confronts them. Outside, when the soldiers on the street find Mustang holed up in an ice cream truck, Captain Buccaneer arrives and fights them. Hearing them on the radio, Mustang's group realizes that it will be harder to move around Central now, although Mustang has an idea. Back at Al's place, Heinkel asks how their friends are doing as he is too injured to help them. Back in the dome, Heinkel hears the sound he heard yesterday and learns from Al that Pride is doing this with his armor helmet. After a few seconds to think, Heinkel quickly realizes that the noises are actually some kind of military code and orders Al to stop him as he has given away their location.

Heinkel then quickly realizes that it's too late when he notices that Kimblee is already there, and Kimblee attacks, injuring Heinkel and opening a hole in the dome. Pride thanks Kimblee for his help and promises not to let his guard down again. Below Central, May, with Envy in a glass, flows through the canal with Mannequin Soldiers in pursuit. May accuses Envy of lying to her, which Envy admits he didn't. Once they catch up, May fights them, but during the fight, the glass container of Envy is separated from her and Envy is broken, eaten by one of the Mannequins. However, she takes control of his body and returns Envy to his transformed state after consuming the other soldiers. Envy then uses one of the Mannequin corpses to return to her human form. Envy thanks May for her help while May starts to get nervous. In Kaname, the citizens ask why the army is there. Yoki and Dr. Marcoh, who are among them, suspect that their location is compromised, and while Marcoh wants to go help Al, Yoki talks him out of Marcoh being captured by the State Army. Back at Al's place, Pride explains to Kimblee that he absorbed Gluttony and answers Kimblee's question that he never considered Gluttony a brother, but instead part of the collective. Once Heinkel points out that this is the case, both Pride and Kimblee and Al realize that Heinkel is still alive.

Al moves in to help Heinkel, but is bound by Pride's shadows. Al uses alchemy to create a smoke screen, and though Pride believes it's useless, he discovers that Al cut his legs off the armor to get away. At Central HQ, Major General Armstrong dodges the chain Sloth is using against, only to find that her weapon is useless as expected. Just then, some soldiers arrive to shoot her, only to be knocked down by a sloth chain. Heading towards their bodies, Major General Armstrong grabs a grenade and throws it, creating a large explosion that can be seen outside. However, it doesn't work and she finds herself bound by Lenh's massive hands. Before she is crushed to death, her brother Alex arrives and knocks Sloth back with a powerful punch. Alex, while striking a pose, asks if Olivier is okay, where he answers who he is talking to with his injured right arm. After learning from Olivier that their opponent, Sloth, is a homunculus and that nothing but cannon fire will take down him, Alex volunteers to fight because that's his specialty. An injured Heinkel asks Al, who can barely move with his legs gone, back in their place to leave him behind or they will both die if Al continues to help him, but Al refuses to let him die. Since Al can't move, Heinkel admits that both Al and Ed have a bad habit of going to save people at the cost of their own safety.

After Al admits it was because of a promise he made to Ed, Heinkel recalls that Kimblee was the one who said survival to win and that he has a small Philosopher's Stone with him that he picked up when Kimblee left them in the mines in Baschool. While Heinkel knows Al wouldn't use it for himself because it contains human lives, he knows Al needs it to use it to save the world and use the power of those lives to protect those important to them by letting them combat. . Kimblee considers blowing him outside the dust cloud, but Pride says it doesn't matter since neither of them can move. Just then, the Philosopher's Stone reacts and Al, with his legs repaired to the armor, emerges to Kimblee's excitement.