Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 49 : Filial Affection

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 49   Brotherhood49

 As Hohenheim urges Al to wake up, Pride decides to capture Ed to use as a hostage to force Hohenheim to come out of hiding. As he continues to attack Ed, Pride also focuses on using his shadows to keep Greed and Lan Fan at bay. Lan Fan learns that Greed has taken control of Ling's body again, and when Pride's shadows attack, Lan Fan is unable to move due to her automatic mail malfunctioning before she can help Greed and can only dodge. After Greed cuts down the tree she landed on, Lan Fan nearly kills the larger shadow with teeth below her, but Ed knocks her down in time to save her life. Ed points out that her new arm is obviously not in top shape yet and they better take care of themselves since they'll still need her help. Greed works to protect Fu so he can get the wounded Heinkel to safety. He apologizes for not defeating Pride sooner, but Greed claims that it's okay because he too thinks Pride is a total monster. Elsewhere, Al wakes up to see his father. After Al takes a moment to realize that he is possessed by Pride, Hohenheim admits that the Homunculi are actually clones of his clone, which is also why they can genetically suppress Al's blood rune upon contact.

Before Fu and Heinkel arrive, Fu asks Hohenheim to treat Heinkel's wounds. After discovering that Hohenheim is Ed's father, Fu declares that Pride has consumed Gluttony and as Ed and Greed fight him, the situation is not looking too good. When Al realizes that it was his fault because the Pride possessed him, Fu brings up the subject of having to use new tactics since the fires created too many light sources for the Pride to use and all of his flash bombs were used up. Darius also realizes that he needs to end this quickly before the citizens of Kanama get involved as well. Al decides to use his father's help for a plan he has. By this time, Ed and Greed had been knocked down, and Pride had surrounded Lan Fan with her shadows so she couldn't interfere. After speaking with Greed, Pride decides to eat him as well, but is stopped by the newly arrived Hohenheim. Hohenheim admits that he can't defeat Pride, and while Pride wonders what his strategy is as he pulls his shadows back to him, Al attacks from behind, only to be caught by Pride's shadows. Pride admits how weak their strategy was and that Al made it easy for him to possess him again, and just as Hohenheim stops Ed from interfering, the overconfident Pride is stunned when Hohenheim states that he shouldn't put his son down as the next one begins. part of his plan.

Using a powerful transmutation, Hohenheim manipulates the surrounding ground to pull up and form a giant dome where all light is cut off. As Greed leaves the scene, an angry Ed learns from Hohenheim that Al was the one who came up with the strategy instead of him. Inside the dome, Al reveals that he intended for the two to stay put, as with the sacred body he can survive without food and oxygen, and that Pride cannot use his powers while trapped with him. Al also says that she intends to stay with him until The Promised Day is over. Outside of Hohenheim, he reveals to Ed that due to the difficulty of defeating Pride, he and Al could only use Hohenheim as bait so they could capture Pride along with Al to prevent any damage to Kanama, and that they also had to keep it a secret. from Ed because Ed would object to this plan. Hohenheim goes to put out fires while Ed communicates with Al. Al apologizes that although it had to happen because they only recently got back together after spending the last few months apart, he had to do it because the whole battle was his fault and they only have to put up with this plan for a while. Elsewhere, Greed, as he runs, assesses that with Lust, Gluttony, and Envy gone, Anger being in the training center, and Pride being trapped in this place, he knows that only his father and Sloth are the only ones in Central at the moment. when Ling reveals his intention to conquer her and rule the land.

In Central, a group of homeless people are talking about the movement of the Ishvalans when Scar, Dr. Marcoh, Yoki, Zampano and Jerso. The group learns that May and Xiao-Mei have not yet returned to Xing and have been spotted nearby. They also learn about the train incident with the Führer, which Scar admits to them that neither they nor his Ishvalan friends heading to Central had anything to do with it. Elsewhere, Kimblee kills a group of Ishvalans as he prepares to leave. In Al's place, he admits that Pride's attempt to dig through the wall won't work because Hohenheim isn't stupid enough to let a kid like Pride fall through. Al also admits that they should never underestimate people because of their potential and even their plan was sloppy from the start because the victims could easily escape to another country. Pride admits that while there are people who only think of themselves, there are also those like his adoptive mother who genuinely cared about him and this concern surprised them even though he doesn't have a real mother. Pride also admits that in addition to kind people like Mrs. Bradley, there are also strong people who are candidates for sacrifice, which is why they would never leave Amestris and instead fight the Homunculi to save it, which is the main reason why their plans are not sloppy. .

Elsewhere, Lt. Hawkeye arrives for Colonel Mustang, who is visiting Hughes' grave. Scar's group arrives where Elric's group is, and while Darius gets into a heated argument with Zampano and Jerso over accusations that he and Heinkel are still working for Kimblee, Ed is surprised that they are there and asks Marcoh that they will have to set up, just before the Chimera fight infuriates Ed. Shortly after, Jerso and Zampano sit down with Darius and the injured Heinkel and confirm that they no longer work for Kimblee. It's obvious to the four of them that they were all expendable, and Heinkel admits that they won't get enough of their new friends. Noticing Fu leaving, Darius approaches Ed and asks where Fu is going. Ed admits that Fu is going to scout Central alone because he's technically the only member of their group that the enemy doesn't know about because they haven't seen him yet. Ed also says that it makes it easier to figure out what's going on, as well as track the movement of Mustang's troops, since Fu would take the opportunity to try and find Ling as well. Ed reveals to the Chimeras that his meeting with Scar is over and the plan has been set. When Ed picks up the coat, Darius acknowledges Al's bravery for being placed in the giant dome because he would be afraid, to which Ed agrees that it was brave. Ed picks up his coat, pointing out that their own mission started from the beginning of the Promised Day.

At his home, Sgt. Brosh is woken up by his younger siblings who want to watch the eclipse with him. When he urges his younger brother not to use his telescope to look at the sun so he doesn't ruin his eyes, Denny is surprised spot their smoke coming out of the city and check it out quickly. Urging her siblings to stay inside, she goes outside while Mustang's group attacks Sector C-5 with Mrs. Bradley in custody. At the central command of Brig. General Klemin is informed about this by an officer. However, Klemin gives the order to kill everyone except Mustang himself, even if Mrs. Bradley has to die. Mustang's group is then surrounded in the building by several officers who claim that everyone but Mustang has been given permission to be shot and killed as Mrs. Bradley is upset to learn that she is now expendable. Several gunshots then ring out from the screen.