Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 7 : Night of the Chimera's Cry

Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 7     MV5-BNDky-Nz-Fk-YWMt-Nj-Uy-YS00-MDZi-LWFl-Nz-Qt-OTM5-ZTZi-MWY1-Nm-Yy-Xk-Ey-Xk-Fqc-Gde-QXVy-Nj-Mx-Nz-

 In this episode, the Elric brothers continue their quest for the Philosopher's Stone and come across an abandoned laboratory. They investigate and discover that the lab has been used for sinister experiments involving humans and animals. The brothers encounter a chimera, a creature created by the fusion of a human and a dog, and are forced to fight it.

The episode is full of action and suspense as the brothers try to defeat the chimera and uncover the truth behind the lab experiments. The animation and fight scenes are well done and the music adds to the overall feel of the episode.

What makes this episode stand out is the emotional depth of the story. The episode explores themes of loss, sacrifice, and the consequences of playing God. The character development of the Elric brothers is also highlighted, especially their struggle with guilt and the weight of their past mistakes.

Overall, Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 7: Night of the Chimera's Cry is a well-crafted episode that combines action, suspense, and emotional depth. It's a must for fans of the series and a great introduction to the themes and characters for those new to the series.