Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 46 : Human Transmutation

Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 46     6783265-4257255183-85cc9

 Mr. Tucker reveals that he knows Scar successfully created the Philosopher's Stone after observing Colonel Archer's injury and learning of the Elric brothers' desertion. Tucker admits that he also knew the truth about the Homunculi and their master all along due to his time in Lab 5. Tucker wants to make a quid pro quo with Al and offers to show Al how to use the Philosopher's Stone inside him in exchange for using the stone to resurrect his daughter Nina . Ed and Izumi meet at Dante's house where Izumi points out the real mystery with her former teacher being her solitude in the forest and keeping her alchemical knowledge to herself in order to hide something despite her incredible knowledge. Remembering what caused Izumi's fight with Dante, Izumi shows the love letter she found to Ed that is addressed from Hohenheim to Dante. The date on the letter shows it to be 400 years old; Ed realizes that if Dante is really that old, she may be the one directing the actions of the Homunculi. Ed leaves, deciding to deal with the Homunculi on his own.

Führer Bradley (Pride) escorts the newly promoted Brigadier General Mustang and Lt. Col. Armstrong on a campaign with Major General Hakur's troops across the northern border into the land of Drachma to retrieve the boys he believes are up there. The leader mentions that Archer, who is still alive, will protect Central Command in their absence. Pride then goes to the city hidden beneath Central, where his creator Dante informs him that Mustang and all the other soldiers who learned too much about the Philosopher's Stone and Hughes' death will be killed by Envy on the battlefield. Envy arrives and is furious to learn that Dante sent Hohenheim to the other side of the gate, denying Envy revenge on Hohenheim. Dante offers Envy a consolation: there is still a philosopher's stone to be taken from Hohenheim's sons; this prospect entices Envy.

Lust, Wrath, and Sloth arrive at the room where the Elrics live, and seeing the note Al left, Sloth decides to head there alone to capture Al and eliminate Tucker, knowing too much. Tucker begins the alchemical process using the same field from Lab 5, while Lust and Wrath restrain Ed upon his return to their room. Ed reveals that he knows Lusta's weakness and gets her to attack the cabinet where the locket is kept. Wrath then fights Ed, who gains the advantage by turning part of Ed's automail arm into himself, and Ed points out that Wrath won't become human even if he steals his left arm and right leg. After Ed takes them out, Wrath remains loyal to Dante, even though he thinks he won't need her to turn him into a human being, but Lust no longer trusts Dante's promise of humanity. Wrath attacks Lust for her betrayal, using the locket to paralyze Lust and then injure her, but Ed uses transmutation to save Lust.

Lust tells Ed that he will help him save Al from the sloth, who is on her way to Tucker's factory, in exchange for turning her into a human while revealing her master's identity. However, Ed admits that he made no promises to Lust and warns her that he still has a weakness for her in case she tricks him. Tucker consumed part of the Philosopher's Stone (and thus the visible part of Alphonse) in a futile attempt to resurrect Nina. Sloth arrives to take Al to Dante, and she explains to Tucker that he simply didn't have enough willpower to bind Nina's soul to the perfect but soulless child he created.