Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 33 : Al, Captured

Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 33     Ep-33

 Starting with the previous episode, Al faces three chimeras: Roa, Martel, and Dolcetto. Martel is able to get into his armor and uses her snake powers to hinder his movement enough for Roa to restrain him. Once the signal sounds, Greed prepares to leave, but not before picking up Ed, planning to injure him further so he can't pursue them. However, Greed notices Dante and Lyra and throws Ed back to the ground, immediately leaving with Kimblee and returning to their hideout. Shortly after, Ed searches the town for Al, while Izumi and Sig meet with Dante, who informs them of the situation. The only clue they have is the cigarettes left behind with Devil's Nest written on them. After Dante and Izumi talk about their differing philosophies on traveling the world, as well as Izumi pointing out that the Elric brothers will find a truth different from Dante and her obsession with alchemy, Izumi and Sig leave. In the Devil's Nest underground bunker, Al talks to Dolcetto and Martel and asks how they became chimeras. They respond by mentioning that they were once soldiers wounded on a battlefield in the east and then turned into chimeras as research subjects before Greed broke them out of their confinement in Lab 5. Greed then returns and reveals that their place is for people who already they can't live normal lives, and as Al recognizes Mr. Tucker, Greed mentions that they only need him to cure the chimeras. Al recognizes Greed as a homunculus from his ouroboros tattoo and learns that Greed is enemies with the other homunculi.

Greed then admits how impressed he is with Al's soul attached to the armor and clearly wants this secret to actually become immortal, even if he has to dismantle Al's armored body. When Al shows that Ed is coming to save him, Greed confesses what he did to Ed before, and an angry Al now knows that Greed can't be trusted and creates a transformed stone hand to attack him. However, Greed shrugs off the attack, knocks Al down (apologies to Martel, who is inside Al's armored body), and has Roa decapitate him to demonstrate his regenerative powers. He then reveals that even his homunculus body is not truly immortal. Someone then creates a door to an underground bunker, which Al believes is Ed, but is actually Izumi, who arrived with Sig. Outside, Ed runs into Major Armstrong, and although he accuses the military of following him and having Al kidnapped, Armstrong reveals that the chimeras are also targeted by the military and are about to raid their hideout, the Devil's Nest. Izumi defeats them and tries to attack Greed, explaining what she came to do, but his Ultimate Shield blocks her attack. After yelling at Al for what she was going to do to him and then at Ed for what happened on their errands, she manipulates the floor with alchemy to trap Greed. Once Greed mentions his intentions to her, she uses the same alchemy attack that Al used earlier, but it also has no effect, allowing him to break free.

As they are surrounded, Sig fights off the chimeras, leaving Izumi to fight Greed. When she attacks Greed with a spear, her condition affects her and renders her helpless until Ed arrives. Outside, troops led by Lt. Col. Archer prepare to attack. When Ed demands that Greed return Al and release Izumi, Al reveals that Greed is a homunculus, and Izumi breaks free when Greed is caught by Ed. Once Ed and Izumi's next attack fails, and then with Izumi now helpless from her condition, Ed must face Greed alone. A military operation begins outside and Kimblee kills Ulchi in another room to get to his safe. While fighting with Ed, Greed points out how similar their obsessions are due to what they are looking for, although Ed denies the facts. Seeing how serious Ed is, Greed transforms into his full armored form and is able to withstand Ed's attacks, pointing out that he cannot defeat him or the other homunculi because Ed has never intentionally killed anyone before.

The army continues its raid, as Kimblee is now in possession of the skull of the man Greed was created from (and around which Greed becomes vulnerable). Greed is then informed of what is happening upstairs, and although they block the door, Kimblee arrives with Archer. Realizing that Kimblee has a skull, Greed realizes that Kimblee has betrayed him and quickly retreats through the hole Roa created with the chimeras, taking Al with him. Ed is unable to pursue them as the soldiers hold him at gunpoint and explains that Archer wants to meet him.