Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 32 : Dante of the Deep Forest

Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 32     6783240-5561199571-15cb3

 Continuing from the previous episode, Alphonse attacks Wrath, but Izumi intervenes. However, Wrath responds to her embrace by using alchemy. He rips off a piece of her shirt to change his left arm to hair to send her away and stuff it into Al's body to control him. Wrath then uses Al to attack Edward and crush his automail. Not wanting Wrath to dissect his body, Al breaks free and attacks, revealing that Wrath is the only homunculus capable of using alchemy as he has Ed's original arm and leg. He also says that the power to assimilate his body with objects is his power. After Al is knocked down, Ed and Wrath use alchemy to summon spears and duel each other. While Winry protests the battle, Ed succeeds in bringing down the Wrath. As Wrath taunts Ed about how he can get those limbs back, Izumi strikes again by creating a tremor with alchemy that scares the young homunculus. As Envy and Sloth look on, Izumi chastises the Elrics, explaining that Wrath is her sin to bear and she personally wishes they would not interfere. Izumi's condition affects her, forcing Winry to stay behind and take care of her. Wrath escapes and the Elrics give chase, only to encounter Envy, disguised as Führer Bradley, and Sloth, using her civilian identity as Juliet Douglas. The two talk to them about human transmutation, unknown to the Elrics, Wrath is hidden in Lenth's body. Once the Elrics leave, not to mention that Izumi created Wrath, the two homunculi also decide to head to their master's location and inform her about Greed, as she, as his creator, would know how to stop him.

Back in the southern slums, Scar presses the Exile about his knowledge of his tattooed arm, who mentions the lives contained within it. Rick and Rio arrive to inform him of the military presence in the area. Lt. Hawkeye announces that as long as there is no resistance, the Ishvalans will be escorted to an official military settlement where they will live once they confirm the identities of all the refugees. When Yoki intervenes, hoping to find Scar to get what he was promised, he is apparently shot in the head. Despite not hearing the gunfire, unknown to the Mustang unit and the other soldiers present, the "shots" are actually Lust's "Ultimate Spear", with Gluttony mimicking the sounds of gunfire. However, the situation escalates when some of the soldiers start shooting in confusion, injuring a few refugees. The two homunculi's words pretend to be part of their group and convince the more radical Ishvalans to fight, despite Scar's Master trying to keep the situation tense. As the Ishvalan refugees begin throwing rocks, Colonel Mustang decides to step in to bring the riot under control.

Returning to Dublith, Izumi announces that she has had enough and expels the Elrics for going against her wishes. The two gracefully make their way out, but with Winry and Sig's encouragement, they now realize that they are no longer her students and can have a real relationship with her. As they leave the station, they confront her threats of violence as they ask for information on creating the Philosopher's Stone without human sacrifice, which is why they needed to talk to her. Unbeknownst to them, Lt. Col. Archer is following them, especially due to conflicting reports that the Führer is in the south investigating the homunculi, despite being at Central Headquarters. He mentions to Major Armstrong that he hopes to be able to confront the Chimeras and Kimblee again by tracking the Elric's movements. Greed decides to leave to investigate while his henchmen return to the Devil's Nest.

After Izumi mentions how Al came back from the gate with his memories and bodies, Izumi points out his doubts about how true the term Equivalent Exchange is supposed to be by citing his own mistake as an example. She then asks Mason, who is eavesdropping, to direct them to her teacher Dante's house to pick up medicine for her. The next morning, Ed ignores Al's question about how homunculi are born when they travel, and when they arrive, they recognize the girl who answers the door as Lyra, Yoki's former subordinate they met three years ago. As she leads them to where Dante is, she mentions that she is her student to improve her alchemy and become as great as her, and also thanks Ed for giving her this opportunity, though he notes that her personality it is different than before. When the two meet Dante and learn of her association with Izumi, Greed watches them and sends a message to join forces with him while Kimblee talks to Mr. Tucker about Archer's offer, as Tucker is also a former state alchemist. When Dante answers the Elrics' question about using alchemy to help people, which is why she studied it, she then answers their second question that the Philosopher's Stone can only bring misfortune to people, and learns that their father was also looking for the stone. , whom she also knew.

He also asks for information on Hohenheim's whereabouts, which Ed doesn't care about, and angrily heads outside. This only helps with Greed's plans and sends the chimeras to deal with Al while he and Kimblee deal with Ed. As Ed begins the fight, but still finds his automail hand useless against Greed's Ultimate Shield, Greed knocks him unconscious. Al spots Lyra unconscious and heads back to Dante, who is being held at knifepoint by Greed's henchmen. The Chimeras reveal that they plan to kidnap Al and ask him not to resist. Al pretends to use the concept of not dating strangers to get Dolcetto to let his guard down by lecturing Dolcetto so he can hit him. Al makes it clear he won't be going with them as he prepares for Roa and Martel.