Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 30 : Assault on South Headquarters

Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 30     Fullmetal-Alchemist-S01-E30-d2e3c52fbb627ab9964a5e060b8772fc-full

 In the southern slums, ex-lieutenant Yoki, who has been living there since Ed fired him after the Youswell incident, watches the Ishvalan refugee camp arrive. The man in charge assures Scar's Master that despite their origins, they should be safe there, as it is full of people who cannot return to their homeland, whether they are criminals or ex-military officers who were released after being exposed to illegal activities . However, Yoki recognizes Scar and decides to call.

Meanwhile, in Dublith, a boy escapes Ed by transmuting through a wall, and Ed is approached by a lizard man named Bido, who mentions Ed's interest in the Philosopher's Stone. Back at Sig's shop, he ignores Lt. Col. Archer's questions regarding the Elric brothers or his wife Izumi by answering en masse while Winry and Mason watch the door. Major Armstrong then steps out and he and Sig show off their huge muscles and end up shaking hands as Winry steps out and fears for Armstrong's safety as Archer asks where the Elrics are.

Back outside, Ed's conversation with Bido continues and Bido reveals that Mr. Tucker told him all about them offering to drive him and Al somewhere just as Al arrives. Ed tries to transform the wall to stop Bid from escaping, but he easily climbs over it and leaves just as Archer and Armstrong arrive. Archer realizes that he is one of the chimeras that escaped from Lab 5. After being introduced by Armstrong, Archer demands to speak, but the Elrics leave because they have to find the boy. They find the boy on the roof, and while he asks what happened to Ed's right hand and left leg, the Elrics privately discuss how, strange as it is, the hand and leg he has were definitely Ed's. However, Archer and Armstrong have them under surveillance, and Archer wishes to arrest the boy, noticing him as a Homunculus due to the Ouroboros tattoo on his right leg. Armstrong attacks, knocking the boy off the roof and then ties him up, much to the Elrics' confusion. Archer then shows the tattoo and explains that the boy is being taken to a military base in South City for questioning. Ignoring the absurd explanation from Ed about the boy's arm and leg, Armstrong suggests they return to their teacher's house, unaware that Bido has been listening in on their conversation.

At Central Command, the Führer's secretary is on the phone with Yoki regarding his discovery of Scar's location and verifies that if he is caught, Yoki can be reinstated into the military.

Bido contacts the Devil's Nest where Greed, Tucker, the other chimeras and Kimblee have escaped. Greed decides to target the boy, believing that it is better to get to him first to recruit him to his team, so it would be easier to deal with the second Homunculus. Greed refuses to let Dolcetto go to the base due to it being guarded, and lets Kimblee go there since he's been stationed there once before, but warns him not to betray them.

Izumi returns, angered by what happened, while Al demands her interest in the boy, pointing out the special powers the Homunculus has. Before revealing the secret of the Homuncula's birth, Izumi coughs up blood again and Sig takes her to the hospital. At the hospital, the doctor explains that many vital organs are missing from Izuma's body, which is the reason for her incurable disease, and the Elrics suspect that she has also performed a human transmutation. She soon discovers that she and Sig are gone.

Arriving at Southern Headquarters to rescue the boy after being taken there by Archer and Armstrong, Izumi leaves Sig to head inside for the boy, and the Elrics and Winry arrive as Izumi launches her attack. While the Elrics are chasing Izumi, Sig reveals to Winry that years ago Izumi was pregnant with their first and only child. As her due date approached, she became seriously ill, so Sig decided to give her medicine. However, their son was stillborn, leaving them both deeply depressed, but Izumi suffered the most. She attempted a human transmutation to bring their stillborn son back to life, which failed costing her organs and rendering her sterile, and when she returned she told Sig she was sorry. Izumi quickly puts the military personnel to work and frees the boy. Outside, using a military officer as an ingredient, Kimblee blows a hole in the wall to allow Bid to enter. Just as Archer orders Armstrong to apprehend Izumi, Führer Bradley appears. Ed confronts Izumi and demands that she release the boy and run (since Ed is still technically a military dog). At that point, Führer, Armstrong, Archer, Bido and Kimblee show up and turn it into a four-way fight.

In the southern slums, Scar spots Ishvalan, who was not part of their group, whom his master warns him not to make contact with, as he is an exile banished from Ishval for violating their sacred laws, though Scar seems to recognize him. .

Unknown to all, the Führer at Southern HQ is jealousy in disguise as the real Führer at Central HQ sends the Mustang Unit to apprehend Scar. Scar enters the exiles' tent and notices several symbols, one of which is the same as his tattoo.