Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 21 : The Red Glow

Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 21     download

 As Al doubts himself, he is no longer able to dodge Barry's attacks, who continue to taunt him that his soul was artificially created. Just as Al questions Barry about having his memories from when he was alive, the two notice someone jump out of the gate and into the field. Barry replies that all he cares about is cutting people up, and claims to be who he is as he confidently lunges at the newcomer, ready to cut that person up. However, Barry is unaware that this person is actually Scar, who grabs his hand to prevent him from being cut up and states that Barry doesn't need to prove his existence because very soon he won't even exist after all. Scar destroys Barry's right arm and recognizes him as sacred as Al and is ready to finish Barry off declaring that he will find peace with God. Barry, seeing Scar's tattoo, pretends to know what it is to distract Scar long enough to detonate the hidden bomb. This completely releases the seal on Greed's homunculus that was stored under Laboratory 5 and he quickly awakens, happily removing the remaining bonds from his body. The destruction Greed causes also releases the electronic locks in another part of the underground facility as Greed offers anyone to go with him as the human chimeras see him trapped there.

Scar wakes up to find Al protecting him from the wreckage and they watch as Barry escapes, who taunts Scar to come and find out the secret of his tattoo. Scar rushes in and Al follows close behind. While questioning the explosion, Ed learns that the explosives are used to destroy evidence, and older brother Slicer mentions that even though he doesn't know everything, he can guide Ed to where he needs to go. Worried about the younger brother, Slicer admits that there is no point in living with his hollow body in a bad state, and even if they became human again, they would be executed because they are mass murderers. Despite his best efforts, Ed can only watch helplessly as his younger brother Slicer destroys his blood rune and ends his life. After the older brother reacts to what happened, Ed decides not to let Al pass, grabs his helmet and heads out.

Next door at the central prison, guards outside see smoke from the lab while those inside question the tremors as they mention their orders to release several prisoners for a military experiment. Former crimson alchemist Solf J. Kimblee, who has a life sentence, states that the tremor was probably a bomb in his cell. Kimblee is excited as he is reminded of the explosions he created from the war crimes he committed against both his friend and foe in the Ishval Civil War when he was removed from his cell. Envy, under the guise of the Basque Grand, is in charge of escorting the prisoners, which Lust is pleased to complete his mission, only to learn from Gluttony that Greed is free, signaling that he must hurry before another disturbance occurs. . While traveling with his older brother Slicer, Ed discovers that there are no more traps as no one has overcome them before, and just as he questions who attached his soul to the helmet, a group of chimeras attack, which Ed has trouble fighting. his injuries from his fight he had earlier with the Slicers.

The chimeras are recalled by a whistle, which reveals Mr. Tucker, now fused with the chimera's body, despite having been officially executed three years ago. Ed is shocked to see Tucker alive and still bitter about what he did to his daughter Nina, but finds that Tucker understands his bitterness. Walking down the hall and talking to Scar to stop his need to kill Ed, Al learns that Scar sees his tattooed arm as a sign to kill the state alchemists. Al tells Scar what Ed wants with the Philosopher's Stone is to get their bodies. While arguing about the dangers of the stone, Al mentions that Ishval was destroyed for getting too close to the stone, which Scar angrily recalls the day he confronted his brother for breaking the taboo of using alchemy for human transmutation. Scar then remembers the day during the war when his brother came out of his house naked with his body marked with transmutation symbols and madly questioning why Ishvala had banned alchemy, believing that Ishval was destined to be destroyed as Scar watched in horror as he is leaving As Al comforts Scar that he and Ed have come to Lab 5 to confirm that the stone uses human sacrifices, Lust and Gluttony arrive, interrupting their conversation. Scar asks the homunculus if his brother ever managed to bring it back; a confused Lust claims she has no idea what Scar is talking about. Al asks who Lust and Gluttony are and Scar replies that they are homunculi.

Ed questions Tucker about his death being faked and the unconventional alchemy skills he's learned since then, and demands that Tucker tell him who's in charge of Lab 5, only to learn to his horror that Tucker's the goal is to create a new chimeric body for Nina, which is why he ended up in his current form as he tried to bring her back to life while still being one step away from completing his research. Tucker then shows Ed a room where there is a large amount of refined red water from the research of Dr. Marcoha. Tucker points out that these unfinished red stones are powerful, similar to the power Cornello and Mugear used against Ed earlier, and will be completed once he gains even more power. As Lust and Gluttony attack Scar and Al, Tucker reveals that no ordinary alchemist can create the stone. Ed realizes that he is capable of completing it.