Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 4 : An Alchemist's Anguish

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 4     Fullmetal-Alchemist-Brotherhood-Episode-4-Shou-Tucker

 In Central City, state alchemist Brigadier Basque Grand is attacked by a mysterious stranger with an X-shaped scar on his forehead while walking alone at night. Although the Iron Blood Alchemist puts up a valiant fight, the Scarred Man uses his own mysterious power to take his life.

Ed and Al arrive in East City to see Colonel Mustang and discuss the situation at Reola with him. Curious as to how Father Cornell managed to create a chimera despite not being an alchemist, the boys wondered if further research into chimeric alchemy might lead to a way to restore their bodies. As a reward for their work at Reola, Roy introduces them to Shou Tucker, a state alchemist specializing in the creation of chimeric alchemy, who became certified two years ago after creating a chimera capable of human speech. However, Mustang informs Ed that the creature only said "I want to die" and didn't live too long after that. Edward explains his intentions to Tucker and, impressed by Edward's ability to survive human transmutation and succeed at Soul Binding at such a young age, gives the boys access to a wealth of bio-alchemical texts in his private home library. While Edward immerses himself in books, Alphonse becomes acquainted with Tucker's young daughter, Nina, and their dog, Alexander, which eventually draws Ed into their merriment. Unable to find the information they need by sundown, the brothers decide to return the next day and continue their research, but as they leave, their escort, 2nd Lt. Jean Havoc delivers a message from Colonel Shou Tucker - saying that the "Sewing-Life" alchemy annual evaluation is coming up. When young Nina asks her father for an explanation, he tells her that the state alchemist must present the results of his research once a year in order to qualify for more grant money, and that's because his grades didn't go too well the previous year. , this upcoming appointment is his last chance to stay in the State Alchemist program. Nina is confident in her dear father's abilities, but Shou isn't sure and worries that he can lose everything.

The Elric brothers return the next day to continue their studies, but when Nina reveals how lonely she's been since her father immersed himself in research, the boys remember how their own father did the same and decide to spend the day playing with her. . Meanwhile, Shou is desperately trying to come up with a satisfactory evaluation report.

Back in Central City, Lt. Col. Maes Hughes—who has been tasked with investigating the Scarred Man's series of murders targeting state alchemists—discusses the case with Major Armstrong, who suggests that the killer's motive may be to punish the state Alchemists for breaking away from the alchemical code of service to the people in exchange for government licenses and funding. Just then, they receive word that a man matching the description of their quarry has been spotted at the central train station, prompting the lieutenant colonel and major to suspect that the killer may have fled the city.

At Tucker's house, Shou explains to the Elrics that in the days before he achieved state certification, he was so poor that his wife left him and that he would do anything to avoid returning to that state. As Nina comforts him, Shou offers to spend the next day playing with his little girl, and Nina happily accepts. But when the boys return the next day, they are surprised to find the house virtually silent. In the back room, they find Shou working on a new creature - a second chimera capable of human speech. Tucker shows off by teaching the beast to say "Edward", but when the creature calls Ed "big brother" without prompting, Ed is horrified and again asks Tucker how long it's been since he got his license and how long ago his wife left him. When Tucker answers both questions with "two years ago", Ed asks a third question - he wants to know where Nina and Alexander went. Tucker notes that Ed quickly catches on and Fullmetal attacks him furiously, explaining to Alphonse that the creature in front of them was created by alchemically fusing Nina and Alexander together, just as Shou's first talking chimera was forged from his mysteriously absent wife. When Sewing-Life dejectedly confirms this, Edward furiously condemns Tucker for messing with human lives, but Tucker responds by accusing Fullmetal of being just like him - messing with his brother's life and performing human transmutation just to test your own abilities. . Hearing this, Edward became enraged and began to savagely beat Tucker with his automail fist, causing Alphonse to physically restrain his brother to prevent Sewing-Life from being beaten to death. Ed screams in anguish as Alphonse apologizes to Nina, saying that neither he nor his brother can repair the damage her father caused her, and the boys report the situation to East City headquarters.

At HQ, Edward discusses the situation with Colonel Mustang and acknowledges that while - as the State Alchemist - he will likely see much more evil and may even be ordered to commit his own atrocities as a "human weapon" for the military, he will continue on his path until he reaches his ultimate end. goals. At the same time, however, Ed shouts that despite his abilities and status, he is only human and that he could not save even one little girl. Meanwhile, the scarred man arrives at Tucker's house while Shou and Nina are under house arrest and declares to Shou that as an alchemist who strayed from the path of God, he must die. He places his right hand on Tucker's face, performing his special ability again and destroying Shou's body from the inside. When the stranger notices Nina, he apologizes for what happened to her, repeats the process and asks her to go in peace. As the Scarred Man leaves, he asks God to take care of the two souls he just sent to the afterlife, removing his sunglasses to reveal red eyes.