Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 25 : Doorway of Darkness

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 25     Fullmetal-Alchemist-Brotherhood-Episode-25-Edward-carrying-Ling

 Ed wakes up to find himself in a mysterious place. After failing to call Al, he calls Ling instead. After Ling complains to Ed for calling him an "idiot prince", the two accuse each other of being jealous. However, Lings' offer to recite what he ordered on his meal bill and Ed's temper at being called short confirm that the latter is not envy. Ling suspects that they are indeed in Gluttony's body, and when Ed doubts that this would be possible, Ling points out a few feet away, a section of the safe house that has been digested, Riza Hawkeye's car, and the flames from Roy Mustang's Flame Alchemy. When Ling determines that they are not in a safe place, Ed notices the left hand from Al's armor and confirms that Al was not swallowed with them. When Ed looks around and sees more materials that are there, he decides to find a way for him and Ling to escape, but nothing works. Meanwhile, May Chang is depressed because she hasn't seen Xiao-Mei since their last battle. Yoki's comment if she was eaten by a dog further upsets May.

May reveals that due to illness, Xiao-Mei cannot grow and she took care of her after her own mother abandoned her. May flashes back to the day they met and reveals that since her clan is the least powerful clan in Xing, it would explain how she was attracted to Xiao-Mei since she was at the bottom of the rankings. It was because of this that the two became very close and it was Xiao-Mei who helped May successfully travel through the desert to Amestris. May reveals to Yoki that her mission is to retrieve the Philosopher's Stone and gain immortality, or her clan could be exterminated. Since it's still night outside with fewer MPs, Scar decides to look for her. May is happy about this, and Yoki suggests that since his people were destroyed in the conflict, Scar can understand her situation, and May happily leaves with Scar. Meanwhile, Ed and Ling begin to weaken from exhaustion and hunger. After Ling collapses, Ed tries to bribe Ling by promising him food later and then uses Ling's pride and devotion to encourage him to get up. When that fails, Ed is forced to carry Ling, but that also quickly backfires when Ed trips over a rock and they both need to rest.

Since the leather is edible, Ed is forced to cook his left shoe as food since he doesn't need it since his automail has replaced his left leg. After the meal, although Ling apologizes for getting in Ed's way, Ed points out that this is nothing compared to his harsh survival training. Ling senses and then confirms it as envy. Ed demands that Envy show them the way out. Envy reveals that there is actually no way out and that it is actually the stomach of Gluttony and it is not. After quickly reminding Ed, Envy confirms that this place is an incomplete duplication of the Gate and admits that their father tried to duplicate it and failed with his powers as well, which is why Ed doesn't feel the same vibrations here as in the real Gate. Envy says that since there is no way out, they can only wait until all their power is gone and then they all die. Ed has trouble believing it at first, but then the cold truth sinks in on him and Ling. Ed is furious that he can't keep his promise to Al, and learns from Envy that the father doesn't mean King Bradley (Wrath) because he's a simple Homunculus.

Ed recalls how the Homunculi used human lives to make the Philosopher's Stone in Lab 5 and demands to Envy if they are responsible for the war in Ishval. Envy confirms this as he was disguised as a soldier who shot the Ishvalan child that started the war. When Ed becomes enraged and approaches Envy, Envy admits that the soldier he was impersonating was court-martialed for the crime, and that the soldier was actually an anti-war protester who opposed the State Army's intervention in Ishval. Enraged that Envy is directly responsible for the events leading to Scar's quest for revenge and the death of Winry's parents, Ed punches him, but his blow is blocked. When Envy decides to fight, he transforms into his true monstrous state as he reminds Ling Ed of how much of an impact he had during their earlier battle in the forest, implying that Envy is much tougher than he looks. Back outside, Al wonders what to do, and when Gluttony mentions his father, Al decides to accompany him to his father, since he's technically the victim, and he and Xiao-Mei are after Gluttony.

Meanwhile, at Central Command, as the top brass discuss sacrifices for the Father's plan, which includes the Elric brothers, Tim Marcoh, and Solf J. Kimblee. When the unnamed general asks about their next victim candidate, Roy Mustang, Lt. General Raven mentions that the Führer will speak to him. In the Führer's office, Bradley tells Mustang that the Homunculus has controlled Amestris since its founding. When asked why Bradley's hands were shaking during Maes Hughes' funeral, Bradley tells Mustang that although he expected to bury Hughes in his uniform, he was enraged that day because of Elicia Hughes' crying. Bradley also mentions that it won't work if Mustang informs Selim of his father's true identity. Outside, Hawkeye is approached by Kain Fuery, who tells her that he is being transported to South City. He also reveals that Heymans Breda is transferred to West City and Vato Falman is transferred to North City. At that moment, Personnel Officer Jakovlev arrives with the Führer's assistant Storch to inform Hawkeye that she is being transferred to the Führer's personal assistant. While Bradley releases Mustang, Ed and Ling begin their battle with Envy. After being quickly overpowered by Enva's attacks, Ed uses the iron in his blood to transmute a small sword for Ling and then transforms into his automail sword. As Ed and Ling prepare to attack, despite minor injuries, Al is horrified to learn that Father is in Central.