Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 45 : The Promised Day

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 45   Fullmetal-Alchemist-Brotherhood-S01-E45-3b2a4c0da661499d0bb1b7441e3dbe0a-full

 Inside the Executive Mansion, Greed begins his attack on Wrath as Mrs. Bradley watches in horror with Pride in her arms. Greed demands to know the meaning of the images and emotions pounding through his head and why he remembers King Bradley attacking him and his old gang in the canal tunnel. Disgusted with the fact that Greed won't even let him leave the past, Wrath launches a furious counteroffensive with his sword and nearly kills his brother again until Greed's Ultimate Shield activates and snaps the Führer's sword, giving Greed a chance to escape through a nearby window.

The next morning at the Armstrong Family Mansion, Olivier arrives to visit her father and curtly advises him to immediately retire as head of the family, hand over the reins to her, and take an extended vacation in a foreign country. Her father comments that he had intended to leave the leadership of the family to Alex, but Olivier argues that her cowardly brother would only tarnish the family name. However, at that moment, Alex enters the room and his father informs him that the two siblings will fight for the leadership of the family here and now. As Olivier draws his sword and Alex strips down to battle mode, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong immediately pack their bags and prepare to travel to Xing with Catherine posthaste, clearly picking up on Olivier's hint that it will soon be too dangerous to stay in Amestris. Olivier eventually wins the duel and accepts leadership of the family - although the house was badly damaged in their fight - and when Alex asks her why she should become a member of the corrupt Central Command, she suggests to her brother that she is only part of their cabal in name.

May arrives in the eastern mining town of Youswell on her way back to Xing with the Envy larva in a covered container, and when she meets the people there, she is greeted with great hospitality despite being a mere foreign traveler. Envy, seeing the girl's appreciation for being treated so well by strangers, slyly comments that May lets such nice people die, but being from another country doesn't matter to her. However, he goes on to note that a half-dead Homunculus like him is unlikely to impress Emperor Xing, but the true source of his power in Central City would be a much more subtle example of immortality and could save them. nice people too. Gathering her resolve, May heads back to the capital, while a scornful Envy laughs that she'll finally be able to get a new Philosopher's Stone.

Accompanied by Darius and Heinkel, Edward finally arrives at the place he believes Alphonse will go - Colonel Mustang's damaged hideout outside of Central. However, once they are inside, they realize that Alphonse is nowhere to be seen and must have been hiding somewhere else. They are suddenly greeted by the sound of approaching footsteps and are shocked when a hungry Ling, now in control of his own body again, walks in and collapses in the rubble. Ed explains his situation with the two chimeras while Ling explains that Greed got into a fight with the Führer and abandoned the other Homunculi, allowing Ling to regain control in the monster's anxious state and wander here - to a nearby hideout in his memory. But Ling quickly changes her tone when she feels the pull of Greed's return; he tells Edward that the Father plans to open the Gate during something he calls the Promised Day, noting that activating the Gate will likely allow Ed and Al to enter and reclaim their bodies. Leaving that aside though, Ed wonders why on earth Father plans to open the gate. Before Ling can say, Greed takes back control of their body and mocks Prince Xinges' big mouth before standing up and walking out. Ed asks if Greed will inform the others of his whereabouts, but Homunculus reminds Fullmetal that he is no longer welcome in this circle and has washed his hands of his siblings. Before Greed can leave, Ed asks him to join their side, and - although he fondly reminds Greed of his group in the Devil's Nest - he declines the offer based on the fact that he will only join an organization he can be counted on. boss. Ed thinks about it for a moment, agrees to his terms, and declares that he, Darius, and Heinkel will be Greed's henchmen from now on. Greed is surprised, but Edward remarks that he can't let his pride stop him from making a deal to get the information he wants. He happily accepts Greed, but warns Fullmetal that life as his henchman will make the alchemist a criminal and a fugitive. Noticing that she's still wearing Winry's earrings, Ed laments that he won't be seeing her or his brother for a while.

At Dublith, Mason impatiently deflects the latest in a series of military inquiries as to the whereabouts of Izumi Curtis, stating that she and her husband are off on one of their many trips and he hasn't heard from her. He suddenly receives a phone call, ushers them out of the butcher shop, and quietly greets Sig on the line by telling him that Alphonse left Izumi a note from Van Hohenheim. Hiding on the outskirts of North City, Sig relays a message—regarding "The Promised Day"—to Izumi, who deliberately attacks the Briggs Mountain Guard to be arrested and brought to Fort Briggs, where she relays the message to the Major. Miles and Captain Buccaneer tell them it's from Al. Buccaneer and 2nd Lt. Falman heads to a public phone booth at the foot of the mountain and contacts Lt. Gen. Grumman in East City with the message, and the next day secretly reports to 2nd Lt. Rebecca Catalina and asks her to take time off to visit her best friend Riza in the capital. The two women shop and shoot the breeze, commenting the joint exercise between Briggs and the Eastern forces has been rescheduled and relocated to East City due to the recent shootout with Drachma, and before boarding the train back East, Rebecca secretly slips a small note into Black Hayate's collar asking Riza , to pay her respects to Jean Havoc on her behalf. When Riza finds the note, she takes the hint and goes to visit Jean at the hospital. Jean notes that he'll be moving to a hospital in the east country soon to be near his family, and Hawkeye gives him a pack of cigarettes as a parting gift. As she says goodbye to her boyfriend, she asks him to greet her colonel if he ever comes, and Jean, who complies, finds something interesting in a carton of cigarettes. As Mustang, hidden in an adjacent bed, pulls the curtain away, Havoc laughs that Hawkeye's comment makes it pretty clear that she knew of his presence, but Roy replies that any contact between them outside of random encounters at Central Command would be dangerous. . Havoc insists that the Colonel take a cigarette, and as he presents the carton to his friend, Roy notices that one of the sticks is just a rolled up piece of paper  to resemble the real ones. While leaving the hospital, Roy reads a note informing him that the promised day will come next spring, and that the North and East will launch a joint attack when that time arrives.

Across the country, everyone begins the long preparations for the coming day; Al discusses the Alkahestry with Van in Reola while the rest of their party help out around town; Miles, Buccaneer, and Falman examine area maps; Scar and Marcoh head east across the Great Desert; May continues her journey back to the capital; and the remaining four Homunculi gather around their Father as their long-awaited time approaches.