Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 6 : The Right Hand of Destruction

Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 6     01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10-5 11-5 12-5 13-5 14-5 15-5 16-5 17-1 18-1 19-1 20-1 21-1 22 23 24 25 26 27 < h2 > Summary:

After awakening from a nightmare about his mother, Edward heads with Alphonse to the military headquarters to inquire about the fates awaiting Shou and Nina Tucker; unfortunately, Lt. Hawkeye informs them that while Shou was scheduled to be decommissioned and court-martialed, they were both murdered by an unknown assailant. At the scene, Lt. Col. Maes Hughes and Major Alex Louis Armstrong of Central City confirm for Col. Mustang that the manner of death apparent to both the Tuckers and the guards stationed at the house matches the modus operandi of the man they were investigating.In the town of Reole, Lust and Gluttony watch from the church steeple as bloody riots tear through the streets and mock the stupidity of the citizens. They are met by what appears to be Father Cornello, who joins in their taunts, and the three note how the people of Reole have completely fallen for their plan despite FullMetal's interference. They note that people never learn, blindly resorting to hatred and bloodshed at the slightest provocation, and a person who looks like Cornello suddenly transforms into a new form at Lust's behest - that of a teenage androgyne with long dark dreadlocks and an Ouroboros tattoo. on the left thigh - reveals himself to be Envy, the third among the mysterious agents working under the aforementioned and even more mysterious "Father". After having Gluttony dispose of Cray, who unfortunately witnessed Envy's transformation, Lust and Envy discuss the news of Shou Tucker's death and the danger of allowing the elusive killer responsible to roam free around Roy Mustang or Edward Elric, whose survival is for their plan important. , because apparently he is "Human Sacrifice". They plan to head to East City to investigate.In East City, Hughes and Armstrong explain to Mustang that the man they've been chasing is a serial killer who appears to be targeting state alchemists across the country; having no identifying marks except for a large X-shaped scar on his forehead, they called this strange killer "Scar". But when Hughes advises Mustang to lay low until the scarred man is apprehended, the Colonel becomes concerned for Fullmetal's safety and sends a few men to bring Edward to headquarters. In town, Ed and Al sit in the rain, reminiscing about what their teacher taught them and lamenting their failures to save their mother and Nina, when a military policeman summons them with orders to escort them to headquarters, but nearby Scar When he hears the name of one from his targets, he approached them and killed the officer with the strange power of his right hand before turning to the Elrics. Ed and Al attempt to flee through the city, but Scar cuts off their escape route and forces them to fight. The brothers find themselves outmatched by Scar's ability as he rips a hole in Alphonse's side, immobilizing him and obliterating Edward's automatic arm in an instant.