Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 48 : A Promise Made by Those Who Wait

Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 48     01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10-5 11-5 12-5 13-5 14-5 15-5 16-5 17-1 18-1 19-1 20-1 21-1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48


Realizing that Ling Yao has captured Gluttony and before anyone can move, a masked Riza Hawkeye arrives in a getaway car. After a quick shot to Scar's leg to keep him immobile, she encourages Ling to get Gluttony into the car. Edward and Alphonse stay behind to convince the assembled MPs that they have nothing to do with the anonymous getaway driver.With Scar injured, Ed and Al decide to finish him off for killing the Rockbells, among other things. However, before they can actually begin, May Chang and Xiao-Mei fly in and block their attempts. Realizing that she is vastly outnumbered, she creates a smoke diversion that allows her and Scar to escape.As Riza and Ling walk the streets with the captured Gluttony, they catch the attention of King Führer Bradley, who recognizes Riza despite her disguise.In an alley a short distance away, May Chang is busy healing Scar's bullet. While May is distracted by the approaching MPs, Scar and Yoki slip away unnoticed.On the way back to Central, Ed notices that Al has picked up what he thinks is a stray animal. She is actually May Chang's pet, Xiao-Mei. Al puts the small animal in his armor to keep it safe. At Central, the brothers go to see Winry and it is revealed that Bradley has been keeping her company while she tells him about growing up with Ed and Al. The three talk about her parents and Scar. He receives a call from Garfiel and decides to continue his journey back to Resembool.>Jean Havoc's mother brings his discharge papers to his hospital room. He lets her know that he hasn't given up and still plans to go back and help his friends. Both he and Winry will get through the hard times ahead in their own way with the support of their friends.Ed and Al see Winry off at the train station. Ed says he's letting Winry know that the next time he makes her cry, it will be for tears of joy. As the train pulls away and Winry watches the brothers leave, she realizes that she is in love with Ed and probably has been for some time. Roy Mustang waits outside the station to pick up Ed and Al, and the three head to a safe house outside of town where Ling took Gluttony. On the way home, they stop to pick up Dr. Knox so he can treat Lan Fan for her self-amputated left arm. She survives an impromptu further operation to recover.While Ling rests, the group begins to discuss the fact that the highest level of the military has been corrupted. Not only that, but Bradley himself also appears to be a homunculus. As the group talks, Gluttony realizes that Mustang is there and begins to spiral into madness because Roy killed his sister, Lust. Before he knows it, there seems to be a large explosion.