Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 47 : A Girl in the Grip of Battles Past and Present

Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 47     01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10-5 11-5 12-5 13-5 14-5 15-5 16-5 17-1 18-1 19-1 20-1 21-1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41


A large explosion occurs on the top floor of the building and Ling Yao is seen running away with Lan Fan on his shoulder as King Bradley watches. Bradley watches as he regrets the fact that his body can no longer always keep up with his keen eyesight. He and Gluttony intend to reunite with Ling Yao and head down from the building.Elsewhere near Winry, she still has her pistol pointed at Scar at close range. Ed and Al adamantly plead with Winry to put down the gun and leave the area. Just as it looks like Winry might pull the trigger or hit Scar, Ed jumps between them. Scar starts to move towards Ed, but Al flies in and throws the scar away. While Al goes to employ Scar, Ed gets Winry to put the gun down and put her in the care of the cops, who instruct them to take her back to Central and to safety.Hearing that the battle is progressing as expected, Roy sends a masked Riza Hawkeye to aid the young people in their quest to capture the homunculus.Meanwhile, Ling Yao, with a failing Lan Fan in tow, notes that Gluttony managed to get in front of him at the same time Bradley came from behind. Sensing their capture is imminent, Bradley sends Gluttony back to take care of Scar, the original reason the two were out. Sensing that she is horribly threatening her prince as he refuses to leave her, Lan Fan pulls out a knife and prepares to unburden him.Al manages to keep Scar busy when Ed shows up to help him out. They continue to fight Scar when the Gluttons suddenly appear and attack Scar. The brothers, expecting Lin to manipulate the homunculus, wonder where he is. Just as Gluttony suddenly appears, so does Lin as he flies out of the sewers. Everyone, including Gluttony, is so stunned that no one has time to react before Lin shoves a large explosive down Gluttony's throat. Gluttony's head explodes and before he can regenerate, Ed transforms a steel rope for Lin, who uses it to hold Gluttony in a highly compressed state.Bradley catches up to what he feels is Lan Fan, but it turns out to be just her arm, which she cut off and tied to a stray dog. Meanwhile, she makes her way through the same sewers that Lin used to return to battle Scar and Gluttony.