Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 39: Complications at Central

Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 39   01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10-5 11-5 12-5 13-5 14-5 15-5 16-5 17-1 18-1 19-1 20-1 21-1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 


Führer King Bradley arrives at Lab 3 and informs the guards outside that he will be going in alone to offer assistance to Colonel Roy Mustang. Deep underground, Lust pulls her bladed nails out of Roy's stomach and explains again that the Philosopher's Stone is the core of her body. Lust reveals that Homunculi - being closer to the Truth than humans - are the next step in the evolutionary chain, letting Roy fall, ripping off his incendiary gloves and lamenting that he had to let a potential candidate for Human Sacrifice die before he goes to deal with with the other. intruders. Roy lies helpless as Jean Havoc slowly bleeds out on the floor, begging his taciturn subordinate not to become another of his comrades and die in front of him.Alphonse and Riza Hawkeye follow Barry Chopper's trail to where the armored soul finally caught up and mutilated his human body - a huge white hall with a gigantic stone door at one end. While commenting on the unnatural decay of his body, Barry remarks that it must be due to the inherent incompatibility between a soul and an alien body, causing Al to question the integrity and longevity of his own existence and wonder how long it will be before his soul and armored body inevitably they reject each other.Meanwhile, in the city, Ling and Lan Fan continue their relatively one-sided fight against Envy and Gluttony, "killing" the two Homunculi many times without success. Tired of endless fighting, Ling asks his opponents to surrender quietly, promising that he will not harm them if they do. However, Envy notices that various spectators have begun to watch the spectacle and orders Gluttony to devour both the Xing warriors and the spectators. But as Envy begins to change form and strange scales form on his body, a mysterious voice that Envy calls "Pride" echoes down the street and chastises Envy for his carelessness in allowing Mustang's group to infiltrate their headquarters before ordering a retreat. Envy reluctantly obeys and Ling lets them go without a fight, citing the increased level of danger they must have just escaped.At the entrance to the Homunculi's lair, Lust angrily confronts Barry, Riza, and Alphonse, bemoaning the armorer's presence as it requires her to kill two victims in one night. Barry, impatient to sink his blade into Lust's body, rushes recklessly forward and is immediately sliced to ribbons by her claws and silenced. As he advances on the other two, Lust taunts them and decides whether to kill Al first or send Riza to join the Colonel. Putting Lust's cryptic comments together, Hawkeye explodes into a hysterical rage, firing gun after gun into Lust's body before collapsing in tears when her shots seem to have had no effect. However, as Lust is about to be killed, Alphonse blocks the Homunculus' path and protects Lt. Hawkeye. But when Al displays his new ability to transmute without the ring, Lust further laments the waste of a perfectly good Sacrifice and launches his attack, impaling and slicing through Al's armor as the boy steadfastly protects Riza. Hawkeye demands that Alphonse leave her and save himself, but Al adamantly refuses, saying that he will not allow another person close to him to die when he can help her. Roy suddenly appears in the lobby and compliments Al's statement, releasing a stream of flames at Lust as Alphonse transforms into a clay shield to protect Hawkeye and him from the blast. Knocked to the floor by the explosion, Lust looks at Mustang in shock and notes that he has carved a Flame Alchemy circle into the skin on the back of his hand and is using the flint of Havoc's damaged lighter to create a spark. But when he asks how the colonel managed to avoid bleeding out, he reveals that he used flames to cauterize his wounds. Declaring that he was going to kill her until she was dead, Roy shot wave after wave of flames at Lust, pushing her Philosopher's Stone to exhaustion. Lust makes one last lunge for the Flame Alchemist, bathing her in fire, but before she can reach him, her Stone runs out of energy and her body - Stone and all - crumbles to dust. As he dies, Lust praises Roy's determination, but warns that the day is near when his clear, focused eyes will cloud with suffering. After killing the quarry, Roy breaks down as he thanks Alphonse for protecting Hawkeye and asks them to call an ambulance for Havoc. Just outside the hall, King Bradley eavesdrops on the scene, sheathing his sword and quietly walking away, when he reaches the surface he orders an ambulance.nnoticed, Barry Chopper's soul remains intact, his blood rune undamaged on the motionless scrap of steel. But his dying body, further drawn to his soul, clings to the broken suit and, despite Barry's vehement protests, scrapes off the rune, ending the transmutation. Both Barrys die at the same time.Alphonse returns to his hotel, true to his promise, to find Winry outside waiting for him. Worried about Al's serious damage but overjoyed at his safe return, Winry welcomes him back with tears in her eyes. However, as they celebrate together, Al's left hand falls off completely.