Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 35 : The Sacrifical Lamb

Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 35     01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10-5 11-5 12-5 13-5 14-5 15-5 16-5 17-1 18-1 19-1 20-1 21-1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

;Summary :

Edward, Alphonse and Winry arrive at the train station in Central, without Prince Ling Yao. On another part of the platform, apparently starving, Ling Yao has passed out and is dragged away by the authorities as an illegal immigrant.As the trio heads to Central HQ, they run into Riza Hawkeye. After a brief welcome from the boys, Riza and Winry begin to converse and reacquaint themselves with each other. Ed realizes that if Riza is in town, Roy Mustang can't be far behind. His reasoning is correct as Roy pulls up in the carriage. Roy informs Ed that he and Riza have been taken to Central. When Roy asks what Ed and the others are doing at Central, he reveals that they are there to do some research on the Philosopher's Stone and homunculi. Likewise, they plan to stop by to see Maes Hughes, unaware that Maes has been murdered. Ed asks how come Roy lies and tells them that Maes moved back to the country.The groups split up and as Roy and Riza leave, she asks why Roy lied about Maes. He replies that the boys need as few distractions as possible right now, but he's really just trying to keep the boys from getting hurt. Riza mentions that Major Armstrong's subordinate, Lieutenant Ross, was arrested as the prime suspect in Hughes' murder. Roy requests that Riza dig up all the information she can about Ross while keeping it a secret.Major Armstrong stopped by the cells where Ross is being held to get as much information as possible from Ross about why she is being held and what her alibi is. Her main alibi for discharging her firearm, her defense of Ed in lab number 5, is not admissible because the military won't even acknowledge the lab's existence. Unfortunately, her only other alibi comes from her family, and that's not applicable either. An unhappy Armstrong leaves, but runs into Sgt. Denny Brosh, who also came to provide support for Ross. However, he is not even allowed into the building and it becomes clearer that Ross is ready to take it upon himself to murder Maes.Back at the safe house where Vato is tracking Barry Chopper, the daily newspaper arrives and Vato sees a story that Ross is being framed for murder. While calling Central, Barry also sees the story. Back at the same time, Alphonse sees the same story and bursts into Ed to show him the newspaper and the story showing Hughes' death. The pair rush past Winry, who wonders what all the fuss is about.At the prison where Ross is being held, Barry breaks down the door and encounters guards watching the inmates. Before he can get to Ross's cell, Lin Yao catches his attention and talks Barry into letting him out. The two proceed to Ross's cell and let her out. She is shocked to find out that she has been convicted without a trial and after some soul searching she decides to go with Barry. A trio of fugitives head into the city in an attempt to escape. In the middle of his run, he runs into Ed and Al. The boys try to question Ross, but Barry tells her to keep running while he stops the boys.It turns out that Barry took out Falman before saving Ross. When Vato arrives, he picks up the phone and calls Central, where he is connected to Riza. He tells her that Barry, their prisoner, has escaped. Meanwhile, in the alley, Roy Mustang corners Ross. Before she could escape the flames, she turned to dust. Barry and Lin Yao break away from the boys and head into town. Ed and Al make their way to the alley where a huge cloud of smoke appeared moments ago, where they find Roy standing over the smoking corpse of Ross.