Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 30 : The Truth Inside the Armor

Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 30     01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10-5 11-5 12-5 13-5 14-5 15-5 16-5 17-1 18-1 19-1 20-1 21-1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39


Bido, outside the blocked off alley leading to the Devil's Nest, hears and sees that there are soldiers in town and hopes they aren't there to hunt down all the chimeras.The soldiers standing guard in the area where the last of the chimeras were defeated are surprised when two of them, Loa and Dorchet, appear to rise from the dead. Neither of them will be left standing after both chimeras are done with them. They head into the tunnels to escape.Alphonse, still bound and with Martel inside, sits in the tunnels and contemplates the silence as the battle ends. Footsteps are heard and Greed returns into view, followed by Führer President Bradley, who quickly thrusts his sword through the Homunculus once more. Martel sees this and tries to leave Al, but Al won't let her out. Greed begins to rise again and as Loa and Dorchet come upon the group. Regretting running into the group, yet still loyal to Greed, the two prepare to engage the President. Before they do, they break the chains holding Al and tell him to get Martel out of the tunnels. Martel continues to try to overpower Al to get out and help her friends. She fails and is forced to watch as her friends are killed by the president. Meanwhile, Greed has recovered enough to attack Bradley again, but the President puts down the Homunculus again.Al starts to realize that he needs to get Martel out of there, but before he can, the President comes over to see if he's okay. He assures Bradley that he's fine and can find a way out, but before he can, Martel takes control of Al's arms and chokes the president. Führer President Bradley then proceeds to impale Martel through a gap in Al's armor. The process of Martel dying in it causes Al to remember what happened when he and his brother tried to bring their mother back. Now he has also seen "The Truth" and continues to black out.Al wakes up to find Ed yelling at him to say something. Armstrong had already opened Al and removed Martel's body. Al realized it was going to break because he couldn't save her. They prepare to return to the butcher shop when President Bradley stops them to ask if they have given Greed any information. Ed states that they did not give any information, either military or alchemical, to Greed. Bradley then asks Ed if there is any connection between Ed's arm and Al's armor. Ed refuses to answer and the president sends them on their way, telling Ed to make sure he takes good care of Al.Back at the butcher shop, as Ed finishes cleaning Al's armor, they talk about the day's events. Al tells Ed that he has given him back his memory. They also discuss how the Philosopher's Stone makes people with ouroboros tattoos under the hospital in Central and how they related to President Bradley. They question why Bradley didn't stop rather than kill all the ones he did. The fact that the president was leading a daytime attack also strikes Ed as odd.Back downtown, Riza Hawkeye is heading home after doing some shopping on her first day off from being transferred. A figure stalks her from the shadows. Eventually, Barry Chopper, aka Number 66, steps out of the shadows and offers her a ride home. Riza refuses and 66 comes at her with his chopper. However, Riza is faster and pulls out a revolver from his bag and puts a number of bullets into it. Before she recovers, she pulls an automatic pistol from under her skirt and pours more rounds into the animal. When 66 realizes that she isn't worried, he tries to scare her by removing his head, revealing that it's just an animated suit of empty armor. Riza reveals that she knows Alphonse, which is the main reason why 66 doesn't scare her. 66's behavior changes and he begins to show infatuation towards Riza. Riza calls Roy Mustang to help her deal with her prisoner.