Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 24 : Fullmetal Alchemist

Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 24     01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10-5 11-5 12-5 13-5 14-5 15-5 16-5 17-1 18-1 19-1 20-1 21-1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46


A few days later, Lt. Col. Roy Mustang and 2nd Lt. Riza Hawkeye arrive in Resembool with a tip regarding two talented alchemists who may be accepted into the State Alchemist program. However, when they explain their purpose in the small town to their guide, they are informed that the Elric brothers they seek are only children, despite their great skill in the craft. Skeptical but hopeful, Mustang heads to Elric's family home, but is devastated by what he finds inside - a huge, complex transmutation ring in a blood-stained room. Acting on the guide's advice, Mustang and Hawkeye next look for the Elrics at the nearby Rockbell family home, forcing their way in and demanding that the boys show themselves. Mustang looks around to find his prey - a young boy, missing his left leg and right arm, sitting dejectedly in a wheelchair in front of the armor. Roy angrily demands to know what the boy did to create such a scene in his house, but to the Flame Alchemist's astonishment, it is not the boy speaking, but the empty suit of armor that expresses regret for their actions.Roy spends the day explaining how a child with Edward's talent would be a valuable asset to the state's alchemy program and that the benefits of a government license could lead them to a way to restore their bodies to normal. Upon hearing this, Pinako explains that after the crippled boys arrived on her doorstep, she went to the Elric house and buried their inhuman creature in the backyard. He asks Mustang if he would really convince them to continue training in the field that spawned the monster and crippled them almost beyond recognition. Outside in the living room, Winry greets Riza and asks the 2nd lieutenant if she's ever shot anyone. When Hawkeye answers in the affirmative, Winry explains that she doesn't like soldiers because they took her parents away to die on the battlefield, and asks Riza not to take Ed and Al away to become soldiers. But as Riza explains to Winry and Roy Pinako, the decision would not be forced upon the boys, but that the opportunity to move forward is something they would have to actively embrace. Hawkeye explains to Winry that her reason for staying in the military is to protect someone very important. After completing his game, Roy leaves his contact information and leaves with Hawkeye, who bids a friendly farewell to the young girl, but as they return from town, Mustang refutes Riza's claim that Edward is beyond help, noting that he saw, beyond the young boy's frailty, eyes that burned like fire.Moved by the Lt. Colonel's words, Edward decides to have automail limbs installed, and as he prepares for the surgery, asks Pinako how long his recovery and rehabilitation period will take. Despite her claim that it would take three years, young Edward declares that he would finish it in one. Before going under the knife, he promises Alphonse that they will have their bodies back soon and begs his little brother to be patient.A year later, Edward completes his recovery and begins sparring with Alphonse to make sure his new limbs are working properly. When he is reasonably satisfied, he notes that having refrained from using alchemy since the accident, he fears that his abilities may have diminished or disappeared, but by clapping his hands, the outer plating of the arm transforms into a blade, much to Al's surprise. Winry's spite. Al asks Edward how he became capable of transmutation without the ring as their teacher, but Edward comments that since Al saw "the thing" he should be able to as well. However, Alphonse notes that he doesn't know what "thing" his brother is talking about.Shortly thereafter, Edward leaves for East City alone to meet Roy Mustang—who had been promoted to colonel the previous year—and ventures to Central City for Edward to take the alchemy exam. Word spread in Central about the twelve-year-old State Alchemist candidate, and leader King Bradley decided to attend the boy's practical exam in person. When Bradley arrives with considerable pomp, Edward seems distraught to find the nation's leader so close. The test begins, and when asked if he needs materials to build a transmutation ring, Edward says he doesn't need such things. A flash of concern crosses Bradley's face as Ed clasps his hands together and presses them to the ground, effortlessly transforming an ornate spear from the floor. However, Edward immediately turns his spear and charges decisively at the Führer. Several officers jumped in shock as the soldiers on the floor drew their firearms and trained them on Edward's head, but not before the boy willingly stopped the tip of his weapon just short of Bradley's throat. The leader waves his bodyguards away as Edward remarks that a real killer would have succeeded just then, and suggests that Führer Bradley take stricter measures when he appears in public. Although the Führer takes the boy's advice in good spirits, the enraged exam proctor angrily declares that Edward has just prepared for the exam. However, Bradley interjects, noting that the choice is ultimately up to him. Bradley stated that Edward's written exam and psychological evaluation were deemed adequate in addition to his apparently superior practical skills, and points out that the boy has a lot of guts and is simply inexperienced in the ways of the world. As Bradley bids the boy farewell and happily departs, the spear blade clatters to the ground as if it had been severed, and Ed realizes with a start that Bradley has been holding the sword for the last few moments, but he doesn't remember seeing it unsheathed. it.Escorted by Mustang and Hawkeye, Edward notes that the Colonel was the only officer who didn't seem concerned. Roy bluntly replies that if Ed had murdered Bradley there, Mustang's own bid for the position of Führer would have had one less obstacle. Edward comments that he could very easily use this information against the Colonel, but Roy counters that he too is holding the information hostage because the human transmutation that Ed and Al performed was against the law. If their true story were to become public, not only would Ed's license be immediately revoked, but his brother might even be taken to a lab for study. When Ed returns to East City for a week to wait for his results, Bradley pushes for the boy's certification, noting to his advisors that the boy's talent is remarkable and that the best course of action would be to put him in the military before some other organization. it catches him. When asked if he has decided on an honorary title for Edward, the Führer answers in the affirmative, although he notes that his choice may seem formidable at first.At the end of the week, Ed's results come in and he is called into Colonel Mustang's office, where his report card and  A pocket watch has arrived. Informing Edward that every state alchemist is given a symbolic middle name by the Führer, the colonel hands him a piece of paper, after which the boy reads that his chosen code name is to be "Fullmetal Alchemist". Delighted, Edward readily accepts.In Resembool that night, Edward is standing outside Elric's house with Alphonse, Winry and Pinako, torch in hand, when the house burns down. When Ed comments that there's no going back now, Winry starts to cry.