Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 16 : Separate Paths

Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 16     01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10-5 11-5 12-5 13-5 14-5 15-5 16-5 17-1 18-1 19-1 20-1 21-1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


On the train south, Winry asks Edward and Alphonse why they feel the need to visit their alchemy teacher all of a sudden, to which Ed replies that their first motive is to strengthen themselves, both physically and mentally, with the help of their teacher, and that their second - more important - goal is to ask their teacher directly about human transmutation and the Philosopher's Stone. The boys note that the subject was never brought up during their training, noting that their recent skirmishes made gathering information essential, but sadly adds that their teacher won't be happy about them. Winry tries to cheer them up and unwraps a fresh apple pie that Gracia Hughes has prepared for them, and as they eat heartily, the three youngsters remember the kind treatment Maes Hughes and his family gave them during their stay in the capital and decide to give back. courtesy of the lieutenant colonel on their next trip to Central City.

Back at Central, however, Maes is being given a military funeral attended by several people, including Major Armstrong, Colonel Mustang, Lt. Hawkeye, and even Führer King Bradley himself. As Hughes' casket is buried, a distraught Elicia protests, and the toddler's heartbreaking grief causes several attendees to shed tears and even the Führer's hands to shake.>With the service over, Roy stands over his best friend's fresh grave and berates him for being posthumously promoted to the rank of brigadier general after promising to support the colonel's rise from the bottom. As Riza approaches the Colonel to convince him to leave, Mustang bluntly remarks that he had momentarily considered attempting human transmutation and berates himself for being so foolish. But as he puts on his officer's cap and prepares to leave the cemetery, a single tear rolls down his face.Mustang and Hawkeye head next door to Central Command to find out what they can about Hughes' death and speak with Captain Fokker, who informs them that Maes ran into the recording room the night of his death and it appears he had to wrestle with someone inside . Leaving a trail of blood from the wound on his shoulder, Hughes headed next door to the telephone office, but left abruptly without making a call and instead headed for the public telephone booth outside. Examining the bloodied phone box, Roy recalls that an operator at Eastern Area Headquarters heard Maes comment that the military was in grave danger, and assumes that he deliberately used the payphone because he had reason to distrust the military line.>As he tries to understand what this could mean, Lt. Hawkeye arrives with Major Armstrong in tow, who vaguely explains that his men have an idea of ​​the identity of Hughes' killers, but cannot arrest them because they know nothing of their whereabouts. names or faces. The Colonel orders the Major to explain further, but Armstrong emphatically replies that he cannot, and Roy dismisses him, thanking Alex for his time. But as Armstrong leaves, he casually notes that the Elric brothers were in town recently and that their fabled quest is still far from over. Hawkeye laments that Armstrong couldn't have been more helpful, but Mustang replies that the Major actually revealed a lot; his terminology made it clear that more than one individual—probably members of an organization—was involved in Hughes' murder, and his stubborn refusal to elaborate when ordered to do so by the colonel suggests that he was under a gag order from a senior officer. , which all but confirms that the military command is somehow involved. Plus, his comment about the Elric brothers suggests that the Philosopher's Stone is also a factor. Unfortunately, Roy has no idea how the three points are connected, but notes that his upcoming move to the capital will give him the opportunity to rise to the top and uncover Hughes' killer. He asks if Hawkeye will help him in his endeavours, but she replies that there is no need for him to ask.In his dream, Scar remembers the time the young man was in Ishval and encounters an American standing on a rock with his face covered. As the man claims to be a state alchemist ordered to commit genocide in the region, he opens his hands to reveal the transmutation circles tattooed on his palms - the same circles that are marked on Solf J. Kimblee's palms. As he is engulfed in an explosion, Scar's dream takes him to the scene of his battle in the sewers with Gluttony, revealing that he was ambushed by a fat man and his sidekick Lust, neither of whom seemed at all susceptible to the Scarred. The destructive alchemy of man. Remembering his desperate escape from the site of the induced tunnel collapse, Scar finally jolts awake to find himself heavily bandaged and lying in a tent. A young boy enters the tent and informs the Ishvalan refugee that he is currently in a slum outside East City. The boy explains that he and his older friend found Scar floating unconscious in the sewers and that they would have left him for dead if not for the fact that Ishvalan is like them. The old man enters the tent and, when Scar asks if he is the one running from the authorities, he assures him that the slum is full of Ishvalan refugees and that no one here will turn him in to the army. Scar is surprised to see so many Ishvalan survivors of the war, but the old man informs him that theirs is not the only Ishvalan slum; several more have sprung up across the country. Hearing this Scar smiles and tries to sit up, but finds himself too hurt to do so. He asks the young boy to check that his right arm is still attached, and the boy confirms, lifting Scar's right arm from under the covers to reveal that it is covered in large and ornate tattoos from shoulder to wrist. The boy is surprised, and Scar notes that the tattoo is a rare gift from his family.