Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 14 : An Only Child's Feelings

Fullmetal Alchemist Manga Chapter 14     01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10-5 11-5 12-5 13-5 14-5 15-5 16-5 17-1 18-1 19-1 20-1 21-1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


Winry arrives in Central City by train and is greeted at the station by Major Armstrong, who informs her that Edward is in the hospital.In East City, Colonel Mustang talks to Lt. Col. Hughes on the phone, and after a moment of friendly banter, their conversation turns to the Scar case. Roy informs Maes of the recent sewer explosion and that the several unidentified bodies that have appeared at the site may be the Ishvalan killer. With the general consensus in the area that Scar's mysterious absence indicates his demise, they decide that Elric's assigned escort may soon be cancelled. Hughes further informs the Flame Alchemist that with several commanding officers in the State Alchemist Office dead at Scar's hands, rumors are spreading around the capital that Mustang himself may be called to serve. Roy sees opportunity in this kind of talk, but Maes warns him that joining a military command at such a young age will earn him many enemies in Central, and advises him to surround himself with as many trusted supporters as possible. Their phone call over, Hughes realizes he forgot to mention Ed's hospitalization, but just shrugs.Winry arrives at the clinic where the Elric boys are and is upset about Edward's injuries, guiltily lamenting that his automail failed to put him in this condition. Unaware of the true origin of the malfunction, Ed clumsily tries to comfort her and reassure her that it wasn't her fault, and when she discovers that Edward knows nothing about the missing screw, she accepts his comfort and cheers up. As the two fall back into their old pattern of arguing, much to their surprise, Alphonse leaves the room suddenly and without a word.Winry starts working on Ed's arm, and Edward mentions that Al has been acting strangely, like he's been lost in thought for the past few days. The repair quickly ends, and the group is unexpectedly visited by Hughes, who - after being introduced to Winry - informs them that Ed's bodyguards will soon be released. Ed is ecstatic, but Winry - who didn't know that Sgt. Brosh and 2nd Lt. Ross had bodyguards - he's upset they didn't tell her and questions the dangerous life her boyfriend apparently leads. She haughtily packs her things and says she's off to find a place to stay for the night, but Maes insists she's just spending the night with his family. Winry politely protests, but Hughes cheerfully drags her away in familiar fashion.Maes takes Winry shopping around town, explaining that they are buying presents for his daughter's third birthday today. He introduces her to his wife Gracia and daughter Elicia, who both welcome Winry into their home and extended family. As they celebrate, Winry talks to Maes about how worried she is for Ed and Al and how frustrated she is when they refuse to confide in her about their hard and dangerous life on the road. Maes explains that men like Ed and Al are the types to hold on to their problems so as not to worry their loved ones and probably assume they understand them without requiring an explanation, but assures her that when they really need her help and support. , they open and ask out loud.The next day, Winry and Maes go to see the boys again, but before they arrive, Edward tries to cheer up his little brother with a pep talk. Ed complains that everyone keeps making fun of his height and refuses to acknowledge his physical growth, and jokes that Alphonse is lucky to have such a big body. This makes Al uneasy, and when Winry enters the hospital room, Alphonse angrily lashes out at his brother, declaring that he never asked for this body.