Fullmetal Alchemist: 10 Characters Who Pushed Past Their Limits

Fullmetal Alchemist: 10 Characters Who Pushed Past Their Limits  

 Fullmetal Alchemist is full of heart-pounding alchemy battles that never cease to fascinate the audience. Some characters had to push themselves to win. Fullmetal Alchemist offers a complete story with almost no weak points. From the plot to the animation, everything is top notch. The story follows two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, on their quest to reclaim their original bodies after losing them by committing alchemy's one unforgivable sin: human transmutation. The two brothers became friends along the way and fought together. against the evil that threatened their very existence. During the numerous alchemical battles in the series, there were characters who fought against all odds to achieve their goals. In desperate battles, they pushed their limits and achieved impressive results.

10: Edward Was Encouraged As He Gave Everything He Had to Defeat His Father

Father was able to achieve his goal of using the power of the planet to gain divine powers. Thanks to Hohenheim and his anti-transmutation ring, they were able to release the millions of souls he had trapped inside. Desperate to save himself, the father brought the fight to the surface and began stealing the souls of the onlookers.

Father met with fierce opposition from Edward and his friends. Alphonse made a desperate decision and sacrificed his soul for Edward's automatic arm, which was destroyed in the fight. As the only one still able to fight, to the cheers of his friends, Edward mustered every ounce of strength he had left and gave his father the beating of his life.

9: Alphonse Had To Use the Power Of The Philosopher's Stone To Fight Kimblee & Pride

Pride was trapped in total darkness to prevent him from using his powers, and Alphonse was unfortunately trapped with him. The pride pulled out quick coded signals on Alphonse to Kimblee who arrived and shot a hole in the wall for the pride to escape.

Heinkel was caught in the explosion and was in possession of the Philosopher's Stone. He was able to convince Alphonse to use its power, even though Alphonse swore never to use the stone. After receiving the stone, Alphonse was able to use its incredible power to fight Kimblee and Pride.

8: Alex Louis Armstrong Performed Impressively In His Fight Against Laziness

Alex the Strong Arm Alchemist arrived just in time to help his sister Olivier who was fighting Sloth. During the fight, Sloth revealed that despite his lazy attitude and boring demeanor, he was actually the fastest homunculus of them all. However, Alex was able to take advantage of the sloth's lack of control over its speed and deal heavy damage to the sloth. While it wasn't enough to keep Sloth down, Alex was able to get Sloth to realign his dislocated shoulder by enduring the streak. punches from laziness. Alex quickly retaliated by showing off his boxing skills and using Sloth as a punching bag.

7: Mustang Endured The Pain Of Burning His Own Flesh To Destroy Lust

Mustang and his crew, along with Alphonse and Barry The Chopper, attacked the Third Laboratory to investigate the homunculi. Mustang and Havoc were confronted by Lust, who managed to severely injure them both. She advanced to fight Alphonse and Hawkeye, but they were saved at the last moment by Mustang, who closed his wound by burning his flesh.

Lust destroyed Mustang's ignition gloves, so with great determination he carved a transmutation circle on his hand. Mustang raged and took out his anger on Lust, letting his intense flames fade to nothing but ash.

6: Scar Was Able To Bring Himself To Use Alchemy

Scar was first introduced in the series as a serial killer who only targeted the State Alchemists. He was doing all this to get revenge on the state alchemists who served as human weapons during the Ishvallan Civil War. Scar believed that creation should be left to God alone, so he despised Alchemy as a power that was capable of creation.

The process of performing alchemy involves understanding, deconstructing, and reconstructing physical matter. Because of his hatred of alchemy, Scar stopped at the deconstruction stage. However, during the battle against King Bradley, Scar was cornered and had to use the full alchemical process. He saved his life and Amestris with the one thing he so despised.

5: King Bradley Fought With A Strength And Endurance That Defied All Rhyme and Reason

King Bradley returned to Central City and launched a counterattack against the Briggs forces. His abilities were too overwhelming for his opponents and he fought his way to the main gate of the command center. After a bitter battle against Ling Yao and Briggs' forces at the gate, Bradley was pushed into the river.

Despite his serious injuries, Bradley wasn't done yet. He swam back to the surface and it wasn't long before he was in a pitched battle against Scar. Bradley was a homunculus unlike the others, as he was the only one who could age or die from mortal wounds. Still, Bradley could keep up with the best alchemists.

4: Captain Buccaneer Was Brave To The Very End

Captain Buccaneer manned the main gate of the central command center and he and his forces remained there to defend it. They were attacked by King Bradley, who they believed to be dead. In one quick attack, the Bradley knocked out their tank and more than a handful of their infantry.

It was obvious that Buccaneer didn't stand a chance against Bradley, but Buccaneer took him on anyway. Bradley destroyed his automatic arm, dealing fatal damage, but the Buccaneer refused to surrender. When Prince Ling's bodyguard Yao Fu sacrificed himself to shoot Bradley down, the Buccaneer seized the opportunity to deliver the first fatal blow to Bradley.

3: Ling Yao Endured Incredible Pain To Obtain The Philosopher's Stone

Ling traveled from his country through the harsh, unforgiving desert to Amestris to obtain any secret of immortality. He discovered that he could gain this power if he could get his hands on the Philosopher's Stone. Arriving at his father's lair beneath Central City, his father decided that instead of killing Ling, he would make Ling a new vessel for his greed.

This resulted in a rock being driven into Ling's body. Ling's body was repeatedly destroyed and reassembled as his body tried to reject him, but he endured the excruciating pain for the sake of his clan. The result was a homunculus based on humans, just like King Bradley.

2: Hohenheim Used His Regenerative Powers To Fight For His Sons

After being transformed into a human Philosopher's Stone, Hohenheim wandered for hundreds of years, communicating with each of the souls trapped within, marking points for a vast transmutation circle. During the final showdown against Father Hohenheim, he fought as hard as he could to hold back Father's relentless and powerful attacks.

Every time he took a direct hit, Hohenheim's life force was even depleted more. Just as he was about to give up, he received encouragement from his sons and was able to hold off his father's attacks for a while longer. He later proceeded to save Izumi from a stronger attack by putting himself in the line of fire once more.

1: Lan Fan Lost Her Arm But Got A New One So She Could Keep Fighting

During their mission to capture the homunculus, Lan Fan and Ling Yao were confronted by King Bradley and the Gluttons. With one swift attack, Bradley severely injured Lan Fan's arm. Ling stubbornly refused to leave her, even when Bradley was beating them.

Desperate to shake Bradley off their tail, Lan Fan cut off her head with a kunai and tied her to the dog. Even after losing her hand, she was still determined to do her duty and protect Ling. She went to Rush Valley to get a brand new automatic mail and returned to the battle soon after.